Search Results for: ltc lakin

And now for the political question doctrine. See fn. 2., I believe at one point Mr. Jensen was complaining that the military judge wasn’t going to apply any “civilian” cases.  See fn. 3., for the judge’s rather sparse treatment of the de facto officer doctrine.

I posted a tease here, and it didn’t take long for Dwight “My Liege” Sullivan to crack the code. In other words, Judge Lind used the word “embarrassment” in precisely the political question doctrine context (and using almost exactly the same words) as CAAF in New and the Supremes in Baker v. Carr.  And all […]

Some reporting of last weeks Article 39(a), UCMJ, hearing appears to attribute the military judge’s ruling to a desire to save the president embarrassment. I believe this is a gross distortion of a small part of what the military judge said.  I was there and heard her read her findings and conclusions which were then […]

Found at LTC Lakin and Mr. Jensen will be on the Barry Farber radio tonight at 2000. Apparently the “embarrsassment” language was intended by the judge to alert Congress that they need to begin impeachment proceedings. Note, it is Article 46, UCMJ, 10 U.S. Code 846.

The spinning has begun, and yes there’s a pun in there, or at least an attempted one.  Based on cherry-picked comments from a number of Lakin supporters it appears that all of this is merely the military judge saving the President “embarrassment.”  They are grasping at a straw as a way to explain a complete […]

I have just returned from watching most of the Article 39(a), UCMJ, hearing.  (I left as the last item on the table was a defense request for Alan Keyes and LtGen McInerney.) To say that the military judge destroyed the defense arguments in detail would not be an overstatement.  Although the military judge did politely […]

safeguardourconsititution (APF) has an affidavit from LTG T. McInerney in support of LTC Lakin’s discovery request. Lawyers interested in the legal merits of the issue will likely find themselves dissatisfied with the affidavit.  It is a combination of justification for LTC Lakin’s contumacy and reasons why the discovery should be granted.  There is no comment […]

Silence. 20 August 2010 was the day to submit motions.  They would have had up to the close of business. Nothing on APF in terms of documents filed. Frankly I’m not expecting anything to be released, certainly not by the government.  You will recollect that LTC Lakin and APF has been selective in what documents […]

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