Articles Tagged with naval regulations

Blogger Rainier4311 has a piece on LTC Lakin which is critical of Anderson Cooper’s interview.  Regardless of the merits of the interview, the piece contains some interesting and uninformed comments on the military legal system.

This Article 138 discovery process must be done.  LTC Lakin now has the right to discovery based on the Articles of the UCMJ.  The United States Army is attempting to prosecute LTC Lakin just to cover their tracks because the Army has put other personnel out because of their refusal to deploy because the erroneously accused wanted proof of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president.

In all reason, the controversy surrounding Barack Obama’s eligibility must be put to bed.  Under Article 138, he is bound by both federal laws to prove his birth, and since he is, by all accounts the Commander in Chief, he is also bound by the UCMJ.

In United States v. Serianne __ M.J. ___ (C.A.A.F. 2010), CAAF affirmed NMCCA’s dismissal of a charge that Chief Serianne failed to inform his command of a civilian conviction.  Here is a link to the en banc opinion on an Article 62(b) interlocutory appeal by the government in  Serianne, at NMCCA.

On its face the decision has narrow application to a particular Navy instruction.  However, the case may impact any revision of the Navy instruction and also the directive that DoD initiated in 2008 on the subject of E-6 and above reporting their civilian convictions.

I have posted before about an April 2008 policy memorandum issues by DoD.  The memorandum will require self-reporting of certain civilian convictions.

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