Articles Tagged with classified information

And is it possible there may be no easy nights?

1.  Is he a retiree, and thus potentially subject to recall for the purpose of prosecution under the UCMJ.

Here is a Mil. L. Rev. article on Article 2(a)(4) and (6), UCMJ (2102), and check out the following:

This is the 9th day that APF (safeguardourconstitution), LTC Lakin’s support site, has failed to post the military judge’s findings and conclusions, and advertises as “Breaking News,”  “Judge to Rules (sic) . . ..”

The Greeley Gazette, hometown newspaper for LTC Lakin has the piece, “Retired JAG Officer Says Judge’s Ruling Against Discovery for Lakin Could Derail Case Based on Legal Precedent.”   I posted earlier two quick disagreements with the piece, or what was said in the piece.

First this item:

Army Times reports:

A Fort Wainwright soldier is under investigation for allegedly posting a video on his Facebook site showing Iraqi children being taunted.

Navy Times reports:

There is a great deal of pontificating on both sides of the aisle about Major Hasan, Fort Hood, and intelligence failures.  Here is a rational discussion and perspective.

In last week’s global security and intelligence report, we discussed the recent call by the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Nasir al-Wahayshi, for jihadists to conduct simple attacks against a variety of targets in the Muslim world and the West. We also noted how it is relatively simple to conduct such attacks against soft targets using improvised explosive devices, guns or even knives and clubs.

The next day, a lone gunman, U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, opened fire on a group of soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas.

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