Continuance denied

Please don’t do this.

[T]he defense counsels did not respect the judge’s ruling.
[I]n an astounding show of contempt, [they] tried to force the judge to reverse himself by their unilateral withdrawal from the proceedings, on the apparent pretext that they were not prepared.
They did not:
  • voir dire the members
  • challenge any member
  • make an opening statement
  • object to any prosecution exhibit
  • cross-examine any prosecution witness
  • object to any prosecution question
  • present any defense case
  • engage with the judge to prepare instructions to the members
  • make closing argument
  • object to clearly objectionable prosecution evidence
  • present any matter in extenuation and mitigation
  • most glaringly, they permitted appellant to make a very damaging and rambling unsworn statement without any apparent coaching or counselling whatsoever.
United States v. Galinato, 28 M.J. 1049, 1989 CMR LEXIS 488 (N-M.C.M.R. 1989).
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