Any experienced military appellate lawyer will tell you that the chances of winning on appeal can be low, depending on the issues raised in the appellate briefs. The hardest issue to have a court of criminal appeals dismiss the charges because they did not find there was enough evidence to sustain and conviction beyond reasonable doubt.

That is what happened for us and our appellate client in a just recently decision by the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.

The Appellant was charged with possession and distribution of CP (contraband images). The prosecution’s first attempt to get a conviction failed when the military judge abated the trial. The military judge did that because there was a lot of critical evidence that had been lost or destroyed by the police. The prosecution appealed that decision and the Air Force Court granted the prosecution’s appeal. So, the trial recommenced. After a contested trial the client was convicted.

As military defense lawyers, we at Cave & Freeburg, LLP, along with Brenner Fissell, are representing transgender-plus servicemembers navigating the Trump executive orders.

A History of Transgender and Gender Dysphoria Persons in the U.S. Military

The history of transgender individuals and those experiencing gender dysphoria in the U.S. military has varied in periods of exclusion, evolving policies, legal challenges, and eventual inclusion efforts. The regulatory framework surrounding transgender military service has shifted based on changing presidential administrations, military directives, and judicial rulings.

In United States v. Deremer, 2025 CCA LEXIS 46, 2025 WL 427756 (N-M.Ct. Crim. App. 20 Feb. 2025), NMCCA decided that when an alleged victim has an SVC, the MCIO must notify the SVC of any interviews, especially those with intent to interrogate the “victim” about a false allegation.

The McOmber rule was based on the CMA’s interpretation of the right to counsel at the time. Following two Supreme Court decisions the Military Rules of Evidence were amended, and in United States v. FinchMcOmber was overruled because its constitutional basis was no longer good law and the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces [CAAF] established that Mil. R. Evid. 305 governed Section 1044e and 10 U.S.C. § 1565b along with the accompanying DoDI and, in this case, the LSAM are congressional, departmental and service efforts to afford specific (and in some cases different or greater) rights to those in, or related to, the military who report that they are victims sexual assault.

United States v. Deremer, No. 202300205, 2025 CCA LEXIS 46, at *11-12 (N-M Ct. Crim. App. Feb. 7, 2025).

A convicted servicemember has the statutory and constitutional right to speedy review of their court-martial conviction. Unfortunately, the appellate cases show consistent problems in getting a record of the trial from the field to the court of criminal appeals. Here is a recent example.

In United States v. Lathrop, the Army Court of Criminal Appeals granted the Appellant 30 days confinement credit for such delay.

ACCA gives one month of sentence relief for a 211-day delay. The concurring judge would have also given the credit for a due process violation and would have granted 98 days of sentence relief versus the one-month granted. 

Sexual harassment accusations in the military can have severe consequences, potentially leading to criminal charges and court-martial proceedings. As of January 26, 2022, sexual harassment became a specified offense under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This change has significant implications for those accused and their defense strategies.

Understanding the Charges

To secure a conviction for sexual harassment under Article 134, prosecutors must prove several elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

Statutes of limitations are legal deadlines for filing criminal charges. They are essential because:  

  • Statutes of limitations are crucial in preserving evidence and ensuring a fair trial. As time passes, evidence can deteriorate, witnesses can forget details or become unavailable, and memories can become less reliable. This can significantly hinder the fairness of a trial, particularly for the defendant. The statutes of limitations help maintain this balance.  
  • Statutes of limitations shield the defendant’s rights, providing a sense of security. It’s generally unjust to leave someone under the perpetual threat of prosecution. These statutes protect individuals from facing charges for actions long in the past when mounting a defense might be extremely challenging.

Reasonable doubt is the fundamental pillar protecting the rights of accused service members in a court martial. It is a legal standard that ensures a fair and just process and safeguards against the potential for wrongful convictions. The prosecutor must prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt, a crucial safeguard against false convictions. The BRD standard serves as a second cornerstone to a fair trial. BRD  works alongside another cornerstone of the legal system- the presumption of innocence. The burden of proving guilt rests solely on the prosecution. The defendant does not have to prove their innocence. This principle helps to prevent wrongful convictions by ensuring that individuals are not punished unless the state can provide compelling evidence of their guilt. The high burden of proof helps to mitigate the potential impact of biases or errors in the justice system. It requires the prosecution to present objective evidence that can withstand scrutiny, reducing the risk of convictions based on prejudice, faulty eyewitness testimony, or flawed forensic evidence.

Military judges in the various military services play a crucial role in defining reasonable doubt to their panels (juries).  For instance, the Army and the Coast Guard judges instruct the panel that a “reasonable doubt is a fair and reasonable hypothesis other than that of guilt.”  Soldiers and Coasties are guided to acquit if there is another rational, innocent explanation for the facts.  On the other hand, the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps use different language, telling the panel that they must be “firmly convinced” or similar language to convict.

The highest standard of legal proof in criminal trials is beyond Reasonable Doubt. This means that the prosecution must present evidence strong enough to convince a reasonable person that there is no other logical explanation for the facts except that the defendant committed the crime. This demanding standard makes it less likely that someone will be convicted based on weak or insufficient evidence. The evidence must firmly convince the jury of the defendant’s guilt. If there is any reasonable uncertainty, the jury is instructed to acquit. This standard recognizes the gravity of depriving someone of their freedom, or worse, their life, and requires that the evidence be overwhelmingly convincing.

According to multiple news reports, the president-elect’s transition team is “compiling a list of senior current and former U.S. military officers who were directly involved in the withdrawal from Afghanistan and exploring whether they could be court-martialed for their involvement….”

former-us-military-office-rcna180489 .

How the prosecution charges a sexual assault is important because consent has different legal meanings. United States v. Mendoza is an important new case that highlights the issue.

As military appellate defense lawyers and trial defense counsel we have been arguing the Mendoza issue for some time (as have others). So we were pleased to see that CAAF agrees with us in Mendoza.

Consent is a critical element in sexual assault cases under the UCMJ. The text distinguishes between two types of sexual assault:

The Army Court of Criminal Appeals has issued an important decision in

United States v. Brassfield, __ M.J. ___ (Army Ct. Crim. App. 2024) (en banc)

The court reaffirms that a servicemember accused of assault against their child may raise the defense of “it was parental discipline.” The definition of what is or isn’t criminal corporal punishment has changed over the years. The Court of Military Appeals (CMA) (predecessor to the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF)), said so in United States v. Brown, 26 M.J. 148 (1988). The CMA adopted a two-part test from the Model Penal Code.

There is good news for about 800 prior servicemembers who where discharged because of their sexuality.

At leadership’s direction, the Services have completed 800 of 863 discharges without the person having to apply for one.

“[O]f the nearly 13,500 individuals who were administratively separated under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, and served long enough to receive a merit-based characterization of service, 96% now have an honorable discharge.”

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