Washington Post reports that Col Morris Davis will be released at the end of his probationary period with Congressional Research Service because of recent media pieces.
In the Nov. 10 Journal article, Davis wrote that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s decision to use both federal court and military commissions to try detainees was "a mistake."
"It will establish a dangerous legal double standard that gives some detainees superior rights and protections, and relegates others to the inferior rights and protections of military commissions," Davis wrote.
In a letter to The Post that was published Nov. 11, Davis said former attorney general Michael B. Mukasey was engaged in "fear-mongering worthy of former vice president Dick Cheney" when he raised security concerns about bringing detainees into the United States for prosecution.
As a retired military officer, is there Article 88, UCMJ, jeopardy here?