CAAFLog previously put out:
FY 2010 DOD Authorization Act includes a provision (Section 506) establishing a five-member “independent panel to review the judge advocate requirements of the Department of the Navy.” The panel “shall carry out a study of the policies and management and organizational practices of the Navy and Marine Corps with respect to the responsibilities, assignment, and career development of judge advocates for purposes of determining the number of judge advocates required to fulfill the legal mission of the Department of the Navy.” Among other specific directives, the bill tells the panel to “review career patterns for Marine Corps judge advocates in order to identify and validate assignments to nonlegal billets required for professional development and promotion.”
The Independent Panel To Review the Judge Advocate Requirements of the Department of the Navy will meet 1 September 2010. Hat tip to CAAFLog.
Here is a link to the Military Justice Annex to the to the Marine Corps Legal Services Strategic Action Plan 2010-2015. Thanks to Col John Baker, CDC for the Marine Corps.