
Articles Posted in veteran


Veterans unemployment rates

Air Force (and the other) Times reports: The unemployment rate for veterans rose slightly in June, to 8 percent overall and 11.5 percent for Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans, a sign that expanding programs aimed at helping veterans find work are not working in a stagnant job market. June employment statistics…


PTSD cases

Marine Corps Times reports: Moved by a huge tide of troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress, Congress has pressured the Department of Veterans Affairs to settle their disability claims — quickly, humanely and mostly in the vets’ favor. This 1969 photo shows Keith Roberts in Navy uniform.…


Special sentencing for vets

Should military veterans get a break when they are sentenced for crimes? Asks a piece in the Wall Street Journal.  This is interesting in light of some discussion on CAAFLog about sentencing in court-martial and sentence ranges under the UCMJ.  Seems some civilian judges are more interested in giving a…

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