
Journalist privilege.

I'll use the posting of JURIST to indicate that:

The US House Judiciary Committee [official website] on Wednesday approved a bill HR 951 that would limit the government's ability to compel
reporters to disclose confidential sources. Under the terms of the Free
Flow of Information Act of 2009, parties seeking the identity of
confidential sources from reporters in federal court must show that the
information relates to an act of terrorism, national security,
disclosure of trade secrets, or the imminent risk of death or serious
bodily harm. The court must further be convinced that the party seeking
the disclosure has exhausted all other means of acquiring the
information, and that "the public interest in compelling disclosure of
the information or document involved outweighs the public interest in
gathering or disseminating news or information". The bill also requires
that the subject of a disclosure request be informed and given an
opportunity to be heard before a communications service provider is
compelled to disclose information about his or her activity. The
protections in the proposed bill would extend only to reporters who
receive "a substantial portion of the person's livelihood or …
substantial financial gain," leaving courts free to compel the
disclosure of confidential sources from many bloggers. The bill passed
the committee on a voice vote, with passage expected in the full House [RCFP report].

Here is a link to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

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